Worth Ethic – Integrity – Excellence
Here is a helpful reminder to companies, business managers, foremen, entrepreneurs, employees and workers. Tell your employees to go the extra mile because few do. Show yourself to be a trustworthy worker and you likely will be promoted over time, as you show yourself faithful and able to be trusted with more. Those who cut corners, steal, cheat, lie and deceive will soon be exposed, removed and unemployed. It takes a long time to earn trust, but only a few seconds to lose it. The Bible says if you are faithful in a little, you will also be faithful in much (Luke 19:17). Therefore, consider every opportunity (big or small) a test and path to promotion depending on how well you consistently do (and your heart and attitude through the process).
This is why hiring managers look at resumes, review academic transcripts, references, employment numbers (number of sick days, years on the job, etc.) to examine and discern quality people who can be trusted and will likely be committed employees, compared to those who are unreliable and a hindrance (even an annoyance) to work with. Your worth ethic, integrity and level of excellence (or lack thereof) will quickly be revealed and made known.

Top performing athletes rarely miss a practice. In fact, the best athletes practice hours beyond what is expected of them and work tirelessly. Examine the sports histories and work ethic of Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan to name two great basketball players who are among the top 10 scorers in the NBA of all-time. Perfect practice results in game winning performances on the court. Every detail and second of play done flawlessly in practice will translate into top play on game day. Take everything seriously and perform at your highest level to reach your best and live your dreams (no matter your field, industry, sport, occupation and interest). This applies to your relationships, family, work, health, wellbeing and quality of life. Your work ethic, level of integrity of heart, and excellence translate into every area of your life and do not lie.
People often do not do what you expect, but rather what you inspect. Positive expectations combined with thorough inspections get you more in life.
SUCCESS PRINCIPLES ~ https://tinyurl.com/success-strategies
LEADERSHIP ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09TFF77B7
WEALTHY MIND ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1982955732
CREATIVITY ~ https://tinyurl.com/creativity-guru
EMPOWERING & LIBERATING WOMEN ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/0972437576
INTEGRITY OF HEART ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BFHVK2E
APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1980596417
INTEGRITY OF HEART ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BFHVK2E
APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1980596417
Worth Ethic – Integrity – Excellence