Inner Healing – Forgiving Forgetting Overcoming
Life can provide a series of battles, seasons of suffering, various tests coupled with trials and tribulation, along with internal or external warfare that messes with your mind. If you are not careful, you can become war weary, battle fatigued, worked to death and lose the joy of living. You can see this weariness on older parents and school teachers, who have been overworked, under appreciated, poorly paid, used and abused.
For such sincere souls, inner healing is most needed. Likewise is inner healing needed for the young and old alike who have been offended, grown bitter, angry and resentful toward people. Those toxic emotions within must be let go. Forgiveness is vitally important to free and untangle your heart, mind and soul. Thereafter, forgetting the past to free your heart and mind are vital for survival and wellbeing. As you overcome mentally and emotionally, you then will be transformed to begin to behave differently and live a life of victory.
Reprogramming your mind to transcend defeat, difficulties and past traumas requires work and mental and emotional focus. It does not occur overnight without a conscious effort on your part. Transformation occurs by the renewing of the mind, not the removal of your mind. You must work with God and do your part to think, see, speak and behave differently to see different results and advance in your life to live a life of blessing. Inner healing, renewal and reformation is a vital part of the process to empower you to progress and proceed to your personal promised land of peace, joy and fulfillment.
We often must encourage ourselves and be our own cheerleaders. Taking time for a spa day, massage, doing something you enjoy to rejuvenate, love, uplift and renew you is vitally important (and part of the inner healing process). Surrounding yourself with positive, kind, supportive, encouraging, wise, heartfelt and happy people is also nurturing and life-giving. However, finding such people who are not judgmental, impatient, war weary themselves, exhausted and have time for you to truly slow down long enough to listen can be hard and difficult to locate. For this reason Paul provides life coaching as a wellness trainer because he understands the importance of inner healing having endured many ordeals in his own life from childhood through adulthood.
Sometimes our problems occur because of our own neglect, wrongdoing, lack of understanding, miscommunication, or inability to agreeably, respectfully and peacefully interact, connect and cooperate with others. Whereas in other instances, you may simply have been used, abused, mistreated and need emotional support to recover, strengthen and refortify yourself to guard your heart for the next time when this painful scenario shows up in your life. Establishing proper boundaries and providing yourself the needed and necessary space, privacy and self-care will ensure you are whole within and well equipped and empowered to effectively handle and resiliently deal with whatever life throws your way.
Playing with pain and performing under pressure, wisely dealing with manipulative and cunning people, confronting rude and boisterous people who invade your space and don’t take no for an answer, and discerning wolves who camouflage themselves in sheep’s clothing all take great mental and emotional exertion. As an international educator, worldwide minister, wellness trainer and life coach Paul has effectively interacted and dealt with people cross-culturally on 6 continents and 90 nations of the world (and survived to live to tell about it).
Some of the many roles Paul has fulfilled in his life are: son, grandson, step-son, elderly caregiver, peacemaker, cousin, nephew, teammate, employee, church member, husband, father, uncle, teacher, minister, speaker, mediator, counselor, adviser, consultant, customer, traveler and much more. Wearing many hats and fulfilling countless roles requires mental and emotional capacity. Interacting with people on multiple levels requires skill, self-control, emotional management, emotional intelligence, soft skills, discernment, conscience, conviction, tenacity, leadership, managerial expertise and humility to apologize when necessary.
As a creative problem solver, prophet with supernatural insight, sage with divine wisdom, well read scholar and author, former class clown and trouble maker Paul can relate to your struggles, dilemmas, difficulties and will empathize with you compassionately while tackling your problems boldly with a smile and playful humor to ensure together you experience breakthrough, transformation and victory.
Email Paul – RevivingNations@yahoo,com – and let him know what you are currently wrestling with today and how Paul can support you to transcend your troubles, experience inner healing, keep the crazy people out of your life, establish proper boundaries to protect you, pinpoint your passion, discern the way forward, process your thoughts and emotions, calm the storms raging out of control, say “NO” politely and firmly without feeling guilty, strategize to progress to your promised land, fulfill your potential, discover and realize your purpose, cultivate work-life balance, develop meaningful and rewarding relationships, and live a happy life full of love, peace, joy and fulfillment.