Life coaching is an art and science that is continually evolving. The masterful life coach is one who has both a heart and a backbone, being able to relate and empathize with struggling and successful people, while challenging them to be better. A great life coach afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted. A life coach is a person capable of being sympathetic with your personal journey and insightful enough to know how to provoke you to be your best. Life coaching evokes excellence in your private and professional life, while cultivating work-life balance so you can live happily and in harmony.
Life coaching grows people, performance and purpose. The psychology of life coaching is simple. Every player in sports, performer in the entertainment industry, individual within a meaningful relationship, CEO in the financial arena, and every professional needs a mentor to provide guidance and life coaching. The life coach instructs and the player takes action to win. A life coach drives personal growth and performance, whereas the player enjoys the journey and experiences the results.
Life Coaching typically occurs at three levels:
1. Personal – individual identity and destiny 2. Systems – the methods of performance 3. Results – the desirable outcomes
Paul F. Davis is a warm, supportive, fun-loving and playful life coach with a sense of humor and prophetic insight capable of hearing the voice of God, listening to your concerns, connecting and collaborating with you to pinpoint your passion, clarify your purpose, co-create a compelling future and empower you to live your dreams to experience happiness and lifelong fulfillment.
Paul possesses an innate ability to get down to the root of important issues, give guidance to create positive change, and divine instruction to empower you to boldly forge ahead into the future.
Dream Design is a fourfold process which Paul engineered to address his clients:
1. Discovery 2. Discernment 3. Devlopment 4. Dream Building
If you are interested in being coached and mentored by Paul; email Paul (RevivingNations@yahoo.com) expressing your personal desires, ambition, vocational calling, what you expect to get out of the life coaching process, and your level of commitment. Be sure to include your phone number and email so Paul can promptly get back to you.