1. Evangelism – Every believer is to have a heart for the lost. Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). Our heartbeat must be the same. We endeavor to provide people with weekly ministry opportunities to reach the lost and hurting locally and thereby express the love of God for humanity. Moreover, throughout the year we provide missions trips overseas for disciples desirous to leave the comfort zone and make a difference in the world (Mark 16:15-20).
2. Ministy of Helps – Because of the huge ministerial mandate upon this ministry to reach the world, we are in desperate need of volunteers to help us manage our office, produce our missions newsletter, cultivate partner relations, give us a ride to the airport, arrange and organize overseas outreach, translate our books, distribute our books, maintain our web site, and promote our ministry to those desirous of help who don’t yet know we exist. Jesus said the greatest among us are those who come to serve (Luke 22:26). In the Father’s house there is to be a helping spirit to bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ (1Corinthians 12:28; Galatians 6:2). By helping ministers in the natural, you further free them to care for the spiritual unto which God has called them (Acts 6:2-4). Such a ministry of helps cannot be acknowledged and praised enough due to its great value. Contact us today if you’d like to be a part of this worldwide outreach 407-967-7553.
3. Humanitarian Assistance – In addition to providing spiritual food, we strive to minister to the physical needs of the people wherever we go. Thanks to the help of our financial partners we were able to feed the hungry while ministering in Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere. The youth conferences we hold often require that we feed the youth in attendance, as in Peru. Therefore we need to further enlarge our hearts and open our wallets to the needs of the poor (Galatians 2:10). The needs of humanity are vast and overwhelming. For this reason we are beckoning unto you and whosoever will to join hearts and hands with us to assist us in providing physical assistance to the hungry in the nations of the world where we will be ministering. Among the places where we would like to provide relief and aid are Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa, Indonesia, and Latin America. Combining the natural and the spiritual we can have a far greater and deeper impact upon the nations of the world. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us!
4. Bible Schools – The Lord has burdened our hearts with training the next generation of leaders in the nations of the world where the Gospel is small or nonexistent. Jesus told His disciples to “teach all nations.” (Matthew 28:19-20) We are currently endeavoring to birth Bible schools in Pakistan and Mongolia. Thus far we have taught in several Bible schools, including in Burma, Thailand and Indonesia. Now God is stretching us to fight the fight of faith for those desirous of ministerial training in the uttermost parts of the earth. Often many overseas have never heard once what you have already forgotten. Why should anybody hear the Gospel repeatedly in the comforts of America, before everyone has heard the Gospel at least once in the uttermost parts of the world? (Acts 1:8)
5. Church Planting – America and the world needs new churches, spiritual houses, capable of ministering to the multiplicity of humanity’s needs. Religious traditions and doctrines of men are not providing divine relationship with the living God, nor are they reviving the brokenhearted. We therefore are endeavoring to raise the spiritual water level (John 7:37-39) and plant new churches in virgin territories where spiritual breakthrough and advance is needed. The church was never meant to be a social club, or a prison with stained glass windows. The Church of Jesus is to be established above the nations as a light to the world and a voice to the conscience of society (Isaiah 2:1-3; Matthew 5:14). God is a Spirit and His house must also be built according the Spirit and pattern of heaven (John 4:24; 1 Peter 2:5). Christ is the head of His Church not denominations or deacons who would think to control God anointed and appointed Pastors (Ephesians 5:23; Matthew 16:18). Thus new churches must be built so an exodus out of dead religion can occur and divine order can be restored to the house of the Lord.
We planted two churches in 2002 in the islands of Efate and Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu, Pacific Ocean. It was also our privilege and honor to inaugurate King of Kings church (Assemblies of God) in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2002. Through the Bible schools that we are birthing and the students that will be trained through them, ministers will be sent forth into the harvest fields and plant new churches to affect the nations of the world.
6. Universities and High Schools – Every revolution that has ever occurred in a nation has been brought about by radical youth. It was not an old veteran soldier that took down the warring giant named Goliath, but a youth named David (1 Samuel 17). Tienamen Square in China was a revolt of youth against governmental oppression. The democratic movement in Burma was spearheaded by University students. For this reason the government shut down the Universities across the nation. It is no mystery where the future of the nations of the world is to be found – that is within the school house. Educational institutions once taught godliness and morality. Harvard, Yale and Princeton were all Christian universities when they were founded. What happened? The prophetic voice was snuffed out and apathy set in within Christendom. We must again shake ourselves and leave our Christian country clubs and venture out into the real world where we are needed.
University of South Florida computer engineering professor Sami Al-Arian, indicted for alleged ties to the terror network Palestinian Islamic Jihad, shows us that we need to know who is teaching our children. To not be involved in the educational system of our nation’s Universities is to permit insurgence and the overthrow of our nation. We therefore are buying ad space in University and high school newspapers to get the Gospel of truth to the youth of this nation. Tens of thousands of dollars are needed to fully get this message out as it ought to be heard. Cell groups are being started on University and High school campuses by students desirous of winning souls and making disciples. Your prayer and support enables us to train students to minister and start cell groups to affect their generation.
7. International Students in the USA – The best and the brightest of the nations of the world come to the United States to study in our Universities. While these international students are here they are open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ more than they will ever be again in their lives. Unfortunately, many come expecting to behold Christianity in practice. In reality however international students on our University campuses behold gross immorality, drunkenness, and vulgarity beyond compare. Meanwhile the churches in the city often sleep and disregard the tremendous opportunity passing them by in their own backyard. Muslim students in unreached nations, Buddhist students from Tibet, Chinese students from the mainland, and Africans from the bush all sit in our Universities. What do many of them want more than anything else? An American friend. Yet many of them never get to have an American friend. Sad, but true! The men who spearheaded the attack on Pearl Harbor in WWII studied in American Universities but were outcasts and ridiculed, called “Chinks.”
Let’s not make the same mistake twice. If we are going to be successful in the war on terror we must begin befriending internationals here in our cities who come from these nations at odds with us. The Bible tells us to show friendship to the stranger in our midst (Exodus 22:21). By showing hospitality, kindness and friendship to international students we can win them to Christ and send them home with joy in their hearts ready to spread the Gospel of Christ to their own people. Who is better qualified to evangelize the nations than international students returning home who already know the language, the people, the culture and the ways of their society?
Through teaching English and providing conversation hour to international students we are building bridges with the global community. By taking students to cultural events, Christmas parties, Barbeques, lunches, dinners, and theme parks we are making friends who in turn will eventually come to Christ and bring others to the Savior of the world. If you’d like to get involved contact us today.
8. Global Report – Thus far Paul has touched 6 continents and 90 countries for the glory of God. Please let us know which part of the world you would like to sponsor Paul to reach and impact.