NYC Suicide Rooftop Deaths

NYC Suicide Rooftop Deaths

So sad and unnecessary. A Harvard educated financier who previously worked for Goldman Sachs and aspiring model battling depression jump to their deaths (at different times) from a New York City roof top bar. Real people, real problems, emotional battles and mental health struggles need LOVE and LIFE in Jesus Christ to lift them up to where they belong to see the TRUE MEANING of LIFE, find PEACE and discover their PURPOSE.

NYC suicide via rooftop bar jumping deaths are avoidable. People just need to look, listen and hear when people talk, reveal their pain, and encourage them to seek mental health counseling, prayer and the encouragement of a loving Pastor and local church to comfort, nurture and nourish people spiritually so they can remember they are valuable to God and others, loved, esteemed and are more than their career, bank account and status in society.

NYC suicides and all suicides are avoidable if we will be discerning, care and endeavor to intervene in the lives of hurting people before it is too late. There is hope in God, His Word, Church and people to love and lift humanity.


NYC Suicide Rooftop Deaths

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